Thursday, April 06, 2006

The future is now...

Wow. Impressive start for Beckett in his Sox debut. After giving up a double and a couple of infield hits in the first, he shut down a tough Texas lineup. It's amazing to see a guy consistently throw 96 and hit 97. It's been a while since we've seen that. Add in that nasty breaker, and look out. Wait until he pitches the opener at Fenway...

Nothing like adding a little fire to the rotation and pen...

Papelbon was equally as impressive especially since it was his first major league save opportunity. He's fearless. It's going to be a while before Foulke sees a close game after that performance. Just getting that giddy feeling...

The scary thing is that they are only going to get better...


Anonymous said...

YEAR 2000!....In New York....winning doesn't take 86 Years.

Staff said...

You're right.

It's 6 and counting, with 81 to come...

Your team is old and is built like the Red Sox of old - all bats, and no arms (including center).

So sit tight and get ready for a long offseason. Or if you're lucky, a short October...

Anonymous said...

3.76 vs. 4.06 ERA ! Not much difference in those pitching arms...Mr. 86 Years.

Staff said...

Are you seriously comparing team ERA at game #15 of the season?


Schilling 4-0, 1.61 ERA
Beckett 3-0, 1.29 ERA

Who matches up against these 2 in the Yanks rotation?

Big Unit 4.63 ERA - or should we call him Mr. Fatigue?

How's third place looking this year? Those bats better be screaming hot all year just to make the playoffs...

Anonymous said...

ERA Update 4-22-06

NYChokes 3.98


Both Teams bats better be screaming hot all year just to make the playoffs...

Anonymous said...

ERA Update 4-23-06

NYChokes 3.80


Anonymous said...

here's your:
ERA Update 4-25-06

NYChokes 3.63


Staff said...


Boston 13 7

NYchokers 10 8

And ERA matters why right now?

How about the stats for hits with no men on base?

Or how about starting pitchers with the most pits on their face?

Even better, the most steroid needle holes in the AL?

Anonymous said...

Staff said...a while back!
"Are you seriously comparing team ERA at game #15 of the season?


Schilling 4-0, 1.61 ERA
Beckett 3-0, 1.29 ERA

Who matches up against these 2 in the Yanks rotation?

Big Unit 4.63 ERA - or should we call him Mr. Fatigue?

How's third place looking this year? Those bats better be screaming hot all year just to make the playoffs... "

Anonymous said...

here's your:
ERA Update 4-27-06

NYChokes 3.50


Anonymous said...

You guys are acting like 8th graders ......again!

Anonymous said...

...Is that a picture of Beckett screeming at his defense last night!

Staff said...

Yup, "screeming"...

Is that like ice creem?

Anonymous said...

Its the noun form of scree... according to webster.....

Main Entry: scree
Pronunciation: 'skrE
Function: noun
Etymology: of Scandinavian origin; akin to Old Norse skritha landslide, from skrItha to creep; akin to Old High German scrItan to go, Lithuanian skriesti to turn
: an accumulation of loose stones or rocky debris lying on a slope or at the base of a hill or cliff.
i.e. Redsox Nation

Anonymous said...

anonymous at 1:57 PM sure is dumb...I bet he's another dumb yankee fan that thinks they are better than Boston. What a loser!

Anonymous said...

anonymous at 12:06 PM sure is a nerd, having the dictionary entry. Another NYchoke loser!

Anonymous said...

...feel better now?

Anonymous said...

here's your:
ERA Update 4-29-06

NYChokes 3.78


Anonymous said...

here's your:
ERA Update 4-29-06

NYChokes 3.65


Staff said...

Looks like your pen is carrying your ERA right now...

Chacon 4.56
Unit 4.71
Wang 4.80
Wright 7.20

Guess what happens to an overused pen late in the season...

Or a below average staff come playoff time...

Anonymous said...

The two pens are averaging all most the same innings per game in relief.

NyChokes 2.59 innings

Every 86 Years 2.54 innings

Hey, these games between the Yanks and Sox should be fun to watch being its early in the season.