Thursday, June 08, 2006

Did you hear that sound? The HGH bomb just went off...

Thank you Jason Grimsley. Whatever you did to bring attention to yourself and get caught, thank you. And for all those players you named in the affadavit (who will be leaked sooner rather than later) thank you again.

Let's just hope that this forces the hand of MLB and the dispicable MLBPA to start testing NOW. It's probably too late to raid the players named in the affadavit because they probably flushed the evidence as soon as they heard about the Grimsley arrest.

We've heard the argument about the lack of accurate or reliable testing for HGH. So here are a couple of ideas for the geniuses over at MLB:

1) Implement IOC testing immediately, and use the labs they already have in place. Meet with them and LEARN from their experiences.
2) Draw blood from EVERY player & store it until a proven method of testing can be implemented.
3) Impose stronger penalties for substances not able to be detected yet, such as 81 game suspensions. For those who have retired or are retiring, hit them in the wallet (1/2 of salary or all of it) and block them from being voted into the Hall of Fame.
4) How about some jail time for players? Isn't proof of usage a crime?

While #2 may raise some concerns over issues such as mishandling, it will be a DETERRENT.

How long will it take to make a change? Hopefully Congress steps in on this one. They were able to sway MLB to make sweeping changes in steroid testing. If Selig wants to stay in power, he better stay in front of this one.

Let's just hope this will weed out the remaining cheaters out there starting NOW. MLB can't hide from this much longer.

Let's put some pressure on them ourselves. Write to your Congressman. Seriously. If you want to keep your kids (and others) safe from dangerous and harmful drugs, you are crazy if you don't. As a society, do we want our youth growing up thinking they need to cheat in order to succeed or be the best? Send a message that it's not OK.

Make a difference today! Contact information provided below...

(as a side note, is it really that surprising now that T.O. healed in time for the Super Bowl?)


Senator Edward M. Kennedy
Washington Office
317 Russell Senate Building
Washington D.C. 20510
p (202) 224-4543
f (202) 224-2417

Massachusetts Office
2400 JFK Building
Boston, MA 02203
p (617) 565-3170
p (877) 472-9014
f (617) 565-3183

Senator John Kerry
Washington D.C.
304 Russell Bldg. Third Floor
Washington D.C. 20510
(202) 224-2742

One Bowdoin Square, Tenth Floor
Boston, MA 02114
(617) 565-8519

New York:

Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton
New York City
780 Third Ave, Suite 2601
New York, NY 10017
Phone: (212) 688-6262
Fax: (212) 688-7444

Senator Charles E. Schumer
Washington, DC
313 Hart Senate Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: 202-224-6542
Fax: 202-228-3027
TDD: 202-224-0420

New York City
757 Third Avenue, Suite 17-02
New York, NY 10017
Phone: 212-486-4430
Fax: 212-486-7693
TDD: 212-486-7803

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