Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Will the beatings continue?

Ouch. What a horrible showing by the Sox. It's reminscent of the first Yankee performance vs the Sox this year. Remove it from your memories...

Tonight, the rook from AA Pauley takes the mound. His first major league outing was rough but that is to be expected especially with a tough Jays lineup (best in AL maybe majors). His task doesn't get any easier tonight in NY. Let's just hope he isn't scarred for life by the experience...

A few thoughts...

Has anyone noticed how amazing Youkilis has been this season? He's played first, and seen time at third and in left field. His defense has been gold glove worthy. He leads the league in many categories at lead off, and has hit successfully in almost every other part of the lineup including cleanup. Amazing. The crime is that he is not on the all-star ballot (no DH this year @ NL park).

As the injuries pile up, the Yankees "B" level players are performing well and keeping them afloat, despite inconsistent pitching...

Loretta & Lowell continue to impress despite recent nagging injuries...

Lets not run the 5-4 Clement out of town just yet. How many #4 starters are that much better? He's supposedly working hard on off days & was fatigued after the 6th. He may have righted the ship. Let's not forget the great run he went on at the beginning of last season...

Will Foulke head to the DL with a bad back? He's actually been effective & a good soldier...

Will the Hansen call-up save tonights game for the Sox? What does it mean for Lester? At least the Sox have been very cautious in his development. Remember it is only the first week of June. But yeah, we're dying to see him pitch too...

Will Boomer ever pitch again? Hopefully, we need him...

How about this?

Do you realize that Papelbon will more than likely be an All-Star & rook of the year? Now the staggering part. He also has a legitimate shot at both MVP & Cy Young. While it's waaaay too early to crown him with any honors, it's astounding that its not only possible, but really feasible. This is the stuff of legends if he holds up. The Sox may have just found the new Mariano Rivera. Why do you think the Yanks were so successful? Best part? He's only 25...

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