Thursday, April 05, 2007

Agony on the way to 755: Starring “B Cubed”…

Can you ever remember anyone approaching a milestone or record that had an overwhelming consensus wishing it didn’t happen? The closest is probably when Roger Maris broke the HR record, but that was mostly Yankee fans up in arms. Everyone likes when a record is broken – especially the big ones.

Now it’s the complete opposite where Giants fans are the only ones that are rooting for him to break it. That makes you wonder what would happen if he was on your favorite team. Would he still be booed in your home stadium? You’d like to think so, but just give that some thought before passing judgment on those San Fran fans. What would they have thought about him if he went to an AL team as a DH? Might not be as rosy a picture…

Regardless, we are going to be deluged with Bonds HR or non HR games. With only 21 homers left to go, it’s easier just to concede he’ll get it done at some point this year. Let’s hope it’s quick. It’ll be less painful if it doesn’t drag on. Any legal attempt to keep him out of the game has fallen short. Only a major injury will derail him at this point. Get your voodoo dolls out & start sticking pins in those knees.

While we would never really wish an injury on anyone, we will be rooting against him getting the record. It’s really hard to pull for a guy who cheated. Being a despicable person makes it easier to root against him. Even if an asterisk is put next to his name in the record books, it won’t matter 10 or 20 years from now. That’s the shame. But is justice served if he’s not voted into the Hall? You could easily argue he would be in even without his “power surge” late in his career. Nevertheless, it's a painful journey with no good ending in sight.

We’re going to dub his quest as the “B Cubed” Tour:

The Barry Bonds Band-aid Tour

It’s just like pulling off a band-aid that you know is going to hurt. It kills while you pull it off and stings when you’re done. So, pull it fast Barry…

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