Friday, September 22, 2006

Is it A-Rod? Or Stuart Smalley?

The whole A-Rod thing is priceless, and it still won't go away.
Even when the Yanks clinched, he was still getting tooled on. Why? Poor bastard can't get out of his own way.

Excerpt from a recent ESPN article:

"When people write bad things about me, I don't know if it's because I'm good-looking, I'm biracial, I make the most money, I play on the most popular team ..."

Wow. Will someone read that back to him so he can understand it? What color is the sky on your planet?

Even Stuart Smalley is like, DUDE? Tone it down...

His teammates will not relent, especially Giambi. Where the heck is Torre in all of this? Don't you grab your team by the collar & tell them to zip it? How are you managing this team if you allow this to continue?

Is there a way out? Only if he has monster playoffs, but the Yanks still must win. Remember too that he has more pressure on him now than ever. He certainly hasn't been able to handle it so far. Will more pressure help or hurt? If he struggles, his days in pinstripes may be over. Will he get the big hit when it counts? No way. He'll be pressing too hard and then he'll be packing...


Anonymous said...

..your high school is showing!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

93 with 8 to go

Anonymous said...

Times are tough these days. Red Sox are dead, Yankees are going to the playoffs. So what do we do? We pick on any possible negative event that happens or might happen in the Yankees land. A-Rod said something in the SI, Yankees will choke in the playoffs, etc. - it's a never ending bitching just to make this website worthwhile. Pathetic.

Anonymous said...

Staff Said...

Gee! Do we really do that?

Staff said...

Just because A-Rod said "something" in the SI? How many athletes put both feet in their mouth and manage to divide a clubhouse all at the same time? Please.

The whole Citgo thing (behind left field) is such a goof. Are we really that anti-Argentina that we need to remove a sign? What's next?

Anonymous said...

..You went and deleted a Stuart Smalley quote!

Staff said...
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Staff said...

Schill was on a local sports talk show this morning & "recanted" the "if", at least for now.

By the way:

Mussina only has 14 wins (he was 0-2 vs KC)
Wang has 8 wins vs KC & TB...

(Sorry about the quote - didn't recognize it. Thought you were being out of line...)